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Privacy Policy


A continuous assessment of the psychological follow-up is part of the therapeutic process, so I must compile a file for each client. This file is a legal obligation imposed by the Law of Medical Treatment Agreement (WGBO). It contains information about your life history, well-being, health, and data related to the therapy follow-up. According to the regulation, the file is kept for 15 years or destroyed at the treatment’s end upon the client’s request. In this case, the client signs a statement requesting the destruction of their file.

This file is strictly confidential so that only I, as a therapist, have access to it, thus complying with the professional code of ethics regarding the legal duty of professional secrecy.

I may share your case anonymously in the supervisory sessions in which I may participate without details that could identify the participants.

Suppose I have an interest in using your data anonymously in a scientific article. In that case, I will formally request your permission in advance.



Monthly Invoice Privacy


The monthly sessions invoice contains only the data strictly requested by the health insurance company. The client can request reimbursement when appropriate with the health insurance company or the company for which they work. These data are the full name, date of birth, address, date of sessions describing the type of care performed (individual or couple), and the insurance number. 


Even though my clinical experience, continuous improvement, and work focused on your specific needs, you may not like the service or have a complaint about something that occurred during the session. In that case, I ask you to please speak directly to me so we can find a solution together to the issue.

In case there is no understanding, you can file a complaint at LVPW. This link will take you directly to the complaint form:


And in the context of the WKKGZ Act in the Netherlands, I am affiliated with the recognized dispute body for complementary therapists, the Scag:

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